Ghostland | Mile 16 // With the dawn came the rains, and the fog so heavy it blotted out the trail ahead, filled our lungs and lenses, and poured the humidity on heavy over our heads. 10+ miles left, we raced the sun to the finish line with tired bodies and firm resolve. #HeavyWeather #DevilsPath (at Devil’s Path, Catskills, Ny)
My Side Of The Mountain | Devil’s Path, Mile 10 // Cresting Plateau Mountain (summit #4 of the day) just before dusk, meant that we had a nice descent in the dark ahead of us, but the layovers and pitstops along the way we’re well worth it. Watching the slow-rolling thunderheads approaching, we prepared our sore knees for a scramble the last few miles to camp. I can never resist a good rock formation, or a headlamp descent. #HeavyWeather #DevilsPath (at Devil’s Path, Catskills, Ny)
The Tree of Life | Devil’s Path, Mile 3 // A winding trail leaves you beneath the trees for most of each section, lost in the Indian Head wilderness, drenched in sweat from the heavy weather. But even beneath the canopy there are little moments that stop you in your tracks and make you glad to be out of doors. #DevilsPath #HeavyWeather (at Devil’s Path, Catskills, Ny)