
Ghostland | Mile 16 // With the dawn came the rains, and the fog so heavy it blotted out the trail ahead, filled our lungs and lenses, and poured the humidity on heavy over our heads. 10+ miles left, we raced the sun to the finish line with tired bo…

Ghostland | Mile 16 // With the dawn came the rains, and the fog so heavy it blotted out the trail ahead, filled our lungs and lenses, and poured the humidity on heavy over our heads. 10+ miles left, we raced the sun to the finish line with tired bodies and firm resolve. #HeavyWeather #DevilsPath (at Devil’s Path, Catskills, Ny)

Heavy Weather | Devil’s Path, Mile 12 // At the last summit, we watched a perfect storm come rolling toward us, thunderheads bursting with the last light of the evening - suiting up against the whipping winds, we surrendered to the adventure, …

Heavy Weather | Devil’s Path, Mile 12 // At the last summit, we watched a perfect storm come rolling toward us, thunderheads bursting with the last light of the evening - suiting up against the whipping winds, we surrendered to the adventure, preparing for the descent in the coming dark. Is there any other way? #DevilsPath (at Devil’s Path, Catskills, Ny)

My Side Of The Mountain | Devil’s Path, Mile 10 // Cresting Plateau Mountain (summit #4 of the day) just before dusk, meant that we had a nice descent in the dark ahead of us, but the layovers and pitstops along the way we’re well worth …

My Side Of The Mountain | Devil’s Path, Mile 10 // Cresting Plateau Mountain (summit #4 of the day) just before dusk, meant that we had a nice descent in the dark ahead of us, but the layovers and pitstops along the way we’re well worth it. Watching the slow-rolling thunderheads approaching, we prepared our sore knees for a scramble the last few miles to camp. I can never resist a good rock formation, or a headlamp descent. #HeavyWeather #DevilsPath (at Devil’s Path, Catskills, Ny)

The Tree of Life | Devil’s Path, Mile 3 // A winding trail leaves you beneath the trees for most of each section, lost in the Indian Head wilderness, drenched in sweat from the heavy weather. But even beneath the canopy there are little moment…

The Tree of Life | Devil’s Path, Mile 3 // A winding trail leaves you beneath the trees for most of each section, lost in the Indian Head wilderness, drenched in sweat from the heavy weather. But even beneath the canopy there are little moments that stop you in your tracks and make you glad to be out of doors. #DevilsPath #HeavyWeather (at Devil’s Path, Catskills, Ny)

On Hudson | The Devil’s Path, Mile 1 // Leaving the city behind at dawn, a weekend morning before the streets arose, we careened up the 87 North, bound for the Catskill Mountains. Like all good adventures we were running on little sleep, and h…

On Hudson | The Devil’s Path, Mile 1 // Leaving the city behind at dawn, a weekend morning before the streets arose, we careened up the 87 North, bound for the Catskill Mountains. Like all good adventures we were running on little sleep, and had the masochistic plan of through-hiking the Devil’s Path as quickly as we could. Just over 24 miles, with 9000+ feet of elevation gain and loss, it wasn’t a particularly beautiful adventure, but it was a badge of honor here on the East Coast, and a knee-busting way to spend a weekend. Who could say no to that challenge? They say it’s the toughest trail on the eastern seaboard, so we put it to the test. Stay tuned over the next few days for dispatches from the trail. #DevilsPath (at Devil’s Path, Catskills, Ny)