It’s Michiko and Kazu’s last night together in Tokyo. They download The Numbers Game. They make strangers fall in love. Now live on @ClashMagazine and YouTube/VEVO for @HBlockInk and @SonyMusicUK. It’s a strange little love story that we’re thrilled we got to tell. Thanks to the great people who put those long hours in to get it here: @Vlad_Cus, @MaximilianGuen, @Oli_Millar,, @DanielAlexanderHarris, @FreeAgentUK, and our entire Tokyo Family. Best job in the world. #NumbersGame #MagnaCartaTV (at Shibuya, Tokyo)
NUMBERS GAME | It’s one of those great weeks where everything comes out at once - our neon Tokyo story for @HBlockInk is premiering today on @ClashMagazine! Can’t thank our small international family of creatives enough for telling this odd little love story with us. Here’s a gallery of behind the scenes moments from the project, documenting the whole process (from casting, before & after styling photos, shots that didn’t make the final cut, and snaps of some of the key team.) Teaser and more coming up next! #NUMBERSGAME (at Shibuya, Tokyo)
UNICEF Stories | Behind The Scenes - some of my favorite moments on location in Jamaica, working with an incredible team from around the world. Without a doubt, the hottest I’ve ever been - running 90 minute interviews under 800 watt units indoors (no AC or fans allowed for sound) I think Stu and I lost our minds (and all cognitive function) more than a few times. Here’s a little glimpse at the process! Thanks for following along, proud of this project and this chance to tell stories that matter. #UNICEFStories (at Montego Bay, Jamaica)
UNICEF Stories | human stories from local organizations on the front lines - now live! This has been an absolute labor of love for a small, dedicated team of artists - can’t thank them enough for coming on this journey with us. This wordless Teaser Trailer mixes footage from both films and tells a visual story of this incredible world we were welcomed into. Thanks to our crew who made this real:
@MaximilianGuen, @Stuart_Winecoff,, @RosannaBach, @FoxxFaces, @DoniaQuon, @CarlosFloresFilms, @Saeedojo, @TheRealNicoBico and the entire @UNICEFNextGen team for getting us down there. More stills to come! #UNICEFStories
(at Kingston, Jamaica)
UNICEF Stories | After months of hard work from an incredible team, I’m honored to be releasing our first short films for @UNICEF and @UNICEFJamaica - highlighting human stories from local organizations on the frontlines of their country’s leading issues. We’re developing an original documentary series to bring storytellers out where they’re needed most - to tell stories that matter. Here’s a gallery of portraits and moments from the production - teaser going up next, and some behind the scenes moments. Film links in bio. Director’s, if you’re reading this, get at me, let’s do something good together. #UNICEFStories (at Kingston, Jamaica)
Tiger Clan / Shinjuku Boys | After the busiest year of my life so far, and a few weeks inadvertently off social, we’re back with regularly scheduled programming from the streets of Night City, Tokyo moments leading up to the release of our latest music video for @SonyMusicUK, with two my incredible films for @UNICEF slated for release any day now. It’s been a busy one, for storytelling, for new friends, for inspiration and dreams made real. Hard work with good people, doesn’t hardly feel like work at all. #TheReturn (at 歌舞伎町 Shinjuku Kabuki Cho)
WEST | After nearly a month out west, making good on a few childhood dreams of Hollywood and getting a movie made, I’m back online and getting back on the road. Leaving tonight for Austin, Texas showing a film that means a whole lot to me, at a festival I’m proud to be a part of. See you down south, partner. #DirectorsNotes #SXSW17 (at Los Angeles, California)
Older news but exciting to complete the row, @RefugeProject played official selection at the legendary CamerImage Festival in Poland - with infinite gratitude to @JPSaner for capturing so many incredible moments so beautifully, and for giving so much of himself to this film. The journey continues. #CamerImage #RefugeProject (at Magna Carta)
More great news from an already great week, @RefugeProject just won BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival! Thanks to the jury there for their support of the project, REFUGE was made by a small team of artists who donated everything to make it possible - thanks to everyone for believing that stories can make a difference., @MaximilianGuen, @JPSaner, @RosannaBach, @Zevi_, @ElliotStudio, #REFUGEProject (at Magna Carta)
REPLICAS | Naka-Meguro Ward, Tokyo // We are all the same, in so many ways. In these last few weeks of travel, of so many countries in so many days against a backdrop of an uncertain America, I’m always struck by the phenomenon of human laughter. Everywhere you go, we all laugh the same. That same sound, the way a face lights up, the crinkling of the eyes, that simple, universal trait - the sound of a laugh. It’s not something we’re taught or given or pickup from TV, it’s just something we all do the same. And that sameness is so important, now especially of all times. The more you see of the world, the easier it is to see how we’re all the same. Certainly, we have different belief systems, perspectives, and we look and sound a little different, some of us even act in ways that are different than the way we were taught that we should act…but we’re all just humans. Replicas from some original model long ago, just trying to make itself better. #NightThoughts #WithLoveFromTokyo (at Midori-So 2)
SHIBUYA EXPRESS | Closing the month in Country No° 8, we’re nightcrawling the streets of Tokyo City with an incredible team from all four corners of the Mercator Projection. Hold on to your hats, it’s going to be a good one. A X @WeAreColossale collaboration, I’m thrilled to be working with the legendary @Oli_Millar, and scouting up the darkest alleys we can find out here. Thanks @DanielAlexanderHarris for the hustle and opportunity. The world needs a good love story, and we aim to give it to them. “Think Blue Is The Warmest Color meets Amelie on the neon streets of a Tokyo at night.” #TokyoTokyo (at Shibuya, Tokyo)
Blue Hour | Playing catch up on three country’s worth of photographs, I’ve just touched down in Tokyo, Japan - making this officially my 8th country this month. With enough stories and new friends to fill the pages of this digital journal for a lifetime, I’m just grateful I get to do what I do, with incredible people alongside me. Expect highlights from London and Paris, before live updates from Tokyo begin, thanks for following along - check out for updates on other projects, and thanks @ToddMartin for the photograph here, and for generally being a stand up gentleman. #TheWorldTourContinues (at Odda, Norway)