
Tiger Clan / Shinjuku Boys | After the busiest year of my life so far, and a few weeks inadvertently off social, we’re back with regularly scheduled programming from the streets of Night City, Tokyo moments leading up to the release of our lat…

Tiger Clan / Shinjuku Boys | After the busiest year of my life so far, and a few weeks inadvertently off social, we’re back with regularly scheduled programming from the streets of Night City, Tokyo moments leading up to the release of our latest music video for @SonyMusicUK, with two my incredible films for @UNICEF slated for release any day now. It’s been a busy one, for storytelling, for new friends, for inspiration and dreams made real. Hard work with good people, doesn’t hardly feel like work at all. #TheReturn (at 歌舞伎町 Shinjuku Kabuki Cho)