
Sky Camp Blues | There at the edge of the world, 13 miles into tradition and home field advantage, we took in the gold coast. Full of sights and crisp winter sun, we remembered hill and dale, bobcats and mountain meadows, secret beaches, high tides,…

Sky Camp Blues | There at the edge of the world, 13 miles into tradition and home field advantage, we took in the gold coast. Full of sights and crisp winter sun, we remembered hill and dale, bobcats and mountain meadows, secret beaches, high tides, and our own personal waterfalls - each vision a kindness. Starting this year out strong, full of new lands and long hauls, we try and treasure the simple things we love, above all. #KeepWalking (at Point Reyes National Seashore)

MAKE IT COUNT | NYE MMXVI // Grateful for a year filled with incredible people and grand adventures, visiting a new country every single month, being trusted to help tell powerful stories, summitting vast mountains and writing up brand new worlds in…

MAKE IT COUNT | NYE MMXVI // Grateful for a year filled with incredible people and grand adventures, visiting a new country every single month, being trusted to help tell powerful stories, summitting vast mountains and writing up brand new worlds in feature-length. For all the bad, there is so much good. Expect greatness of the world around you, hold it to a high standard - let hope win. Glad to have met some many wonderful people this year from so many walks of life. Thankful for my brother-in-arms @MaximilianGuen for dreaming even bigger than I ever could, and going all in, all the time. And to the one and only @RosannaBach, who keeps the whole ship running smoothly with her boundless energy. The reign of continues. Thanks for following along with the journey #KEEPWALKING (at Marin Headlands)