YARRA’S STORY | 39.1333° N, 26.5166° E // Settling in for the long dark, Yarra and her family of nearly 15 do their best to stay warm as temperatures drop across Europe. It’s one of those beautiful anomalies of youth that children can enjoy th…

YARRA’S STORY | 39.1333° N, 26.5166° E // Settling in for the long dark, Yarra and her family of nearly 15 do their best to stay warm as temperatures drop across Europe. It’s one of those beautiful anomalies of youth that children can enjoy themselves even in dire situations - and indeed, Yarra even seemed to be having fun. Racing to collect anything that would burn in a crowded camp that had already been stripped bare, Yarra made survival a game, and in that, she was winning. Only moments after sharing her family’s fire, she offered us food we couldn’t accept, and asked us in excited, simple English, “Where are you from?” Compassion runs deep here in a people who would offer everything, when they have so little of their own. And even as we moved on through the camp late into the night, finding new stories and new faces, we would catch glimpses of Yarra, hurrying from campfire to campfire, like a dream. #RefugeProject (at Mória, Lesvos, Greece)