La Plage de le Vieux Eglise // Down in the heather close to the shore, there’s an old church that’s been standing for hundreds of years. It’s a lonely little sentinel overlooking one of the most beautiful, and most empty, beaches in the world. Here the tide comes galloping in at the speed of horses, crossing miles of sand, changing the identity of the beach depending on the moon cycle and time of day - fickle as tides can be. Since before I was born, my family has been visiting this little beach, and at the lonely ruin, we take a photograph - the same place, the old window, across generations. They’re out there, pictures of my brother and I as babies,toddlers, boys, young men, sat in the little window, silhouetted by the sun. And each memory spans mediums, old film, early digital, phones and now medium format. Everything changes, that’s a given. But the old church in the heather overlooking the beach, endures. #NormandieDays #EuropeMMXVI (at Hatainville)