Dave's Story | Spanish Town, Jamaica
Dave, turning 50 this year, lives and works in the neighborhood he grew up in. But getting back here wasn't easy for him. Convicted of murder in his 20s, Dave spent the better part of his adult life (and his children's entire lives) in prison. After serving over 20 years - with three different stints on death row - Dave was granted parole, and now lives just ten minutes away from his childhood home, and the prison that has been his entire life. He now works with the Peace Management Initiative (PMI) as a Violence Interrupter - working in his community to turn youths away from gang and gun violence. He's dedicated his life to this mission. This is Dave, photographed in the living room of his home in Spanish Town, outside of Kingston.
Feliesha's Story | Savannah La Mar, Jamaica
Feliesha is 21 years old, and has three children, ages 4 through 8 months - Ricardo and Deana, seen here, are her youngest. Possessed of a grace far beyond her years, Feliesha has experienced incredible pain and hardship, but speaking to the calm young woman in front of you, you'd never know it. We spent the afternoon with her at her home deep in the countryside of rural Jamaica, meeting her mother, brother, and children in and around the one room house on stilts that they all share - and as she opened up to us about her life, and all that's happened to her, we saw her strength, and the way that women like her are empowered by the local non-profit that we've been profiling this week. Eve For Life changes lives.