Refugees, activists and actors come together to #ChooseLove
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Written & Directed by Matthew K. Firpo
Executive Produced by Maximilian Guen
Director of Photography | James Blann
Editor | Stephen Michael Simon
Colorist | Carlos Flores
Sound Recordist | Duncan Brooker
Focus Puller | Michael Hobdell
Gaffer | Salvador Gomez
Music | Tony Anderson, Courtesy of Musicbed
Photography by Matthew K. Firpo
Choose Love.
“We don’t owe these people anything.”
“Close the borders.”
“Let them drown.”
The Refugee Crisis is about human beings. People.
Not just headlines, not just statistics.
It’s never been easier to ignore the world around you. To close off your heart, to close off your borders, and to let hate go uncontested.
How do you save a life? You don’t stay silent.
You judge others by their character, not where they were born.
Every single refugee is a human being.
Never let hate and fear tell you otherwise.
All it takes is one person to save a life.
All it takes is one idea to save thousands.
So believe in greatness.
Let’s leave a legacy of children and of friends who did not let themselves succumb to fear, but made the world a better place with their kindness and their decency.
Who stood up on the right side of history. Who chose love.
So believe in that kindness. Choose greatness. Compassion. Choose hope in the face of certain adversity. Help others. You don't need permission to make a difference.
Just over a year ago, a group of friends came together to raise £1,000 for the refugee crisis. In a week, they‘d raised over £50,000 and were receiving nearly 7,000 packages of donated goods every single day. This was just the start.
Thanks to you, Help Refugees are now the biggest distributors of aid of any grassroots organisation in Europe, funding projects on the frontlines in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and refugee camps across Greece.
But this crisis is not over.
This crisis is not ending soon.
Choose love.